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单词 conspicuous
释义 conspicuous
[kən'spɪk.ju.əs] adjective
■very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted 显眼的;醒目的;显著的
In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.在中国,她的金发十分显眼。
He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.他尽量不使自己显眼,沿着房间后部慢慢移动。
Opposite inconspicuous
[kən'spɪk.ju.əs] adjective
be conspicuous by your absence mainly humorous
■to be absent when you should be present, in a way that other people notice 因缺席而招人注意
Why wasn't Stephen at the meeting, then? He was conspicuous by his absence.那么,史蒂芬怎么没参加会议?他本应在场却不在,非常惹人注意。




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