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单词 monument
释义 monument
UK ['mɒn.jʊ.mənt] US ['mɑ:n-] noun countable
■a statue or building that is built to honour a special person or event 纪念碑;纪念馆
In the square in front of the hotel stands a monument to all the people killed in the war.在那家饭店前的广场上矗立着纪念所有战争死难者的纪念碑。
ancient/historic monument
■an old building or place which is an important part of a country's history 历史遗迹,遗址,名胜古迹
Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed to stand as historic monuments.当局允许把柏林围墙的一部分保留下来,作为历史遗迹。
UK ['mɒn.jʊ.mənt] US ['mɑ:n-] noun countable
be a monument to sth
■to be an important and permanent result of an action or characteristic 是…的丰碑;是…的不朽成果
The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.一年一度的艺术节展示了她的广阔视野和勤奋创作的成果。
Protesters have called the building a monument to corporate greed.抗议者称这座大楼是企业贪婪的永久见证。




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