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单词 sham
释义 sham
[ʃæm] disapproving
noun countable usually singular
■something which is not what it seems to be and is intended to deceive people, or someone who pretends to be something they are not 假像;骗局;假冒者;冒牌货
It turned out that he wasn't a real doctor at all - he was just a sham.原来他根本就不是个真正的医生,只是个骗子而已。
They claimed that the election had been fair, but really it was a sham.他们声称选举是公平的,但事实上这是个骗局。
[ʃæm] disapproving
verb intransitive or transitive (-mm-)
■to pretend 假装
He isn't really upset - he's just shamming.他不是真的难过——只是装装样子。
[ʃæm] disapproving
■only pretending to be real; false 虚假的,假装的
They made a fortune through some sham property deal.他们透过子虚乌有的房地产交易赚了一大笔钱。
That jewellery looks sham to me.那件珠宝在我看来是赝品。
She's trapped in a sham (= not good or satisfying) marriage.她受困于不幸福的婚姻中。




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