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单词 exactly
释义 exactly
[ɪg'zæ] adverb
■used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct 精确地;确切地;完全准确地
The journey took exactly three hours.刚好是三个小时的路程。
That'll be £15 exactly, please.刚好15英镑,请付钱。
It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but has half the fat.它和真品的味道完全一样,但脂肪含量却只有一半。
The town centre looks exactly as it did when it was built in 1877.市中心看起来和1877年建成时完全一样。
He's not exactly (= not what I would describe as) good-looking, but he has a certain attraction.他不算英俊,但有一种魅力。
"So you gave her your Walkman?" "Not exactly (= That is not completely true) , I lent it to her."“那你把随身听给她了?”“也不是,我只是借给她。”
"What you seem to be saying is that more should be invested in the road system and less in the railways." "Exactly" (= That is completely correct).“你的意思好像是说应该在公路系统上多投资,而在铁路系统上少投资。”
■used to emphasize what you are saying (用于强调)正好,恰好,究竟
Do exactly what I tell you and no-one will get hurt!确实照我讲的去做,就不会有人受伤!
Exactly how do you propose to achieve this?你究竟打算怎样做到这件事?
What exactly do you mean?你究竟是甚么意思?




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