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单词 arrow
释义 arrow
UK ['ær.əʊ] US ['er.oʊ] noun countable
■a weapon that is like a long thin stick with a sharp point at one end and often feathers at the other, shot from a bow (= a long thin piece of wood bent into a curve by a piece of string) 箭;矢
Robin Hood asked to be buried where his arrow landed.罗宾汉让人们把他安葬在他的箭落下的位置。
Compare dart
■a sign consisting of a straight line with an upside down V shape at one end of it, which points in a particular direction, and is used to show where something is (指示方向的)箭号,箭头
I followed the arrows to the car park.我顺着箭头所指方向开到了停车场。




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