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单词 scrounge
释义 scrounge
[skraʊndʒ] verb intransitive or transitive informal
■to get things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or working for them 白要;乞讨;不劳而获(尤指金钱或食物)
Peter never buys anything - he just scrounges (off his friends).彼得从不买东西,他总是(从朋友那里)白吃白喝。
[skraʊndʒ] verb intransitive or transitive informal
  Phrasal Verbs   scrounge around US informal
■to look in different places or in a particular place where you might find something that you need 寻找;搜索
She scrounged around in the tool box for a tack or nail to hang the notice up with.她在工具箱里找来找去,想找个图钉或钉子把这张布告挂上去。
[skraʊndʒ] noun disapproving or humorous
on the scrounge
■Someone who is on the scrounge is asking people for things or for money. 乞讨;索要




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