craft UK [krɑ:ft] US [kræft] noun SKILL 技术 ADVANCED countable or uncountable (plural crafts) ■(a job or activity needing) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects (尤指制作东西的)工艺,手艺;技术•the craft of furniture making/boat building/glass blowing家俱制作/造船/玻璃吹制工艺 •political/literary craft政治手腕/文学手法 •rural/ancient/traditional crafts乡村的/古老的/传统的手艺 •craft workers (= skilled workers)熟练工人,工匠 UK [krɑ:ft] US [kræft] noun VEHICLE 交通工具 countable (plural craft) ■a vehicle for travelling on water or through the air 船,艇;飞行器,航空器•naval/civilian/patrol/rescue craft军舰/民用船/巡逻艇/救生艇 •Eighteen craft (= boats) set out in the race.比赛出发时有18艘船。 ⇒ See also aircraft;hovercraft;spacecraft UK [krɑ:ft] US [kræft] verb transitive often passive ■to make objects, especially in a skilled way (运用技巧)制作某物•These bracelets were crafted by native Americans.这些手镯是美洲印第安人制作的。 •a beautifully crafted silver brooch做工精美的银质胸针 |