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单词 friendly
释义 friendly
['] adjective
■behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone 友好的,友善的
a friendly face/smile友好的面容/微笑
Our neighbours have always been very friendly to/towards us.我们的邻居们一直对我们很友好。
I'm on quite friendly terms with my daughter's teacher.我和我女儿的老师关系处得很不错。
Are you friendly with (= a friend of) Graham?你跟格雷厄姆是朋友吗?
Opposite unfriendly describes a place that is pleasant and that makes you feel happy and comfortable (某处)舒适的,令人愉快的
It's a friendly little restaurant.那是一家让人感觉很舒适的小餐馆。
■A friendly game or argument is one which you play or have for pleasure and in order to practise your skills, rather than playing or arguing seriously with the aim of winning (比赛或辩论)友谊的,非对抗的
We were having a friendly argument about Green politics.我们就关注环保的政治主张进行了一番友好的辩论。
The teams are playing a friendly match on Sunday.两队将在周日进行一场友谊赛。
■Friendly countries and friendly soldiers are ones who are not your enemies and who are working or fighting with you. (国家)友好的;(士兵)友军的
['] noun countable
■a game which is played for enjoyment and in order to practise, not with the aim of winning points as part of a serious competition 友谊赛
The rugby club has a friendly next week against the Giants.该橄榄球俱乐部下星期要和巨人队打一场友谊赛。




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