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单词 famous
释义 famous
['feɪ.məs] adjective
■known and recognized by many people 著名的;出名的;有名的
a famous actress/building著名的女演员/建筑
Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.玛丽‧居里以其对科学的贡献而享有盛名。
a city famous for its nightlife以夜生活闻名的城市
['feɪ.məs] adjective
famous last words informal
■said when someone makes a definite statement which is shown very soon, and in an embarrassing way, to be wrong 说得煞有介事
I told him categorically that we could never be anything more than friends. Famous last words! Within a few months we were engaged.我明确告诉他我们只可能做朋友。说得跟真的似的,可才过了几个月我们就订婚了!




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