dodgy UK ['dɒdʒ.i] US ['dɑ:.dʒi] UK informal adjective NOT HONEST 不诚实的,不正直的 ■dishonest 有不良企图的,不怀好意的•a dodgy deal不诚实的交易 •They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all their savings.他们遇到了一个奸商,结果把所有积蓄都投进去了。 UK ['dɒdʒ.i] US ['dɑ:.dʒi] UK informal adjective NOT RELIABLE 不可靠的 ■unable to be depended on or risky 不可靠的;有风险的•The weather might be a bit dodgy at this time of year.每年的这个时候天气都可能有些变化无常。 •I can't come in to work today - I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach.我今天不能来上班了——我的肚子有些不舒服。 •It was a dodgy situation.当时局面并不稳定。 ■likely to break or cause pain 可能要断的;可能会痛苦的•Careful - that chair's a bit dodgy.小心——那把椅子有些不稳。 •Ever since the war I've had this dodgy leg.那次战争后我这条腿就不太好使了。 |