dangle ['dæŋ.gl] verb intransitive or transitive ■to hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely (使)垂下;(使)悬着,悬挂;把…吊起来•Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.松散的电线从墙上垂下来。 •He dangled the puppet in front of the children.他在孩子们面前玩木偶。 transitive ■to offer someone something that they want in order to persuade them to do something (为了说服某人去做某事而)用…作为承诺,答应用…作为回报•I've tried dangling all sorts of offers before him/ in front of him to get him to work harder at school, but nothing works.为了让他学习用心点,我曾试过种种承诺,可是根本不起任何作用。 |