city UK ['sɪt.i] US ['sɪtˌ-] noun countable TOWN 市镇 ESSENTIAL ■a large town 市,城市,都市•Many of the world's cities have populations of more than 5 million.世界上许多城市的人口超过500万。 •Wellington is the capital city (= centre of government) of New Zealand.威灵顿是纽西兰首都。 ESSENTIAL ■any town in the UK which has a cathedral (= large, important church) (英国有大教堂的)特许市•The city of Ely has about 10 000 inhabitants.伊利市有大约一万居民。 UK ['sɪt.i] US ['sɪtˌ-] noun countable FINANCIAL CENTRE 金融中心 the City only singular UK ADVANCED ■the business centre of London where the large financial organizations are, such as the Bank of England 伦敦商业区;伦敦城•He works in the City.他在伦敦商业区上班。 •a City analyst伦敦商业区分析师 ADVANCED ■the financial organizations as a group and the people who work for them (英国)金融界•The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.金融界对英镑下跌的消息迅速作出反应。 |