camp [kæmp] noun TENTS/BUILDINGS 帐篷/建筑物 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■a place where people stay in tents or other temporary structures 营地;宿营地•We pitched/set up camp (= put up our tents) by the lakeside.我们在湖边扎了营。 IMPROVER countable ■an area where people are kept temporarily for a particular reason 临时居住地,暂时滞留地•a labour/prison/refugee camp劳改/战俘/难民营 countable or uncountable ■a place where soldiers stay when they are training or fighting a war 兵营,军营•an army camp军营 [kæmp] noun OPINION 主张 countable [+ sing/pl verb] ■a group of people who share an opinion, especially a political one 阵营,阵线(尤指政治组织)•The pro-abortion camp are fighting to decriminalize abortion.支持堕胎的阵营正在力争使堕胎合法化。 •The party is divided into two distinct camps over the legislation.该党在这项立法上很鲜明地分为两大阵营。 [kæmp] verb intransitive ■to put up a tent and stay in it for a short while, for example while on holiday 扎营;露营,宿营•We camped on one of the lower slopes of the mountain.我们在山脚的一处低坡上扎了营。 [kæmp] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs camp it up informal ■to behave in a camp manner 娘娘腔的,忸怩作态;行为女性化的 [kæmp] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs camp out ■to sleep outside in a tent 露营 [kæmp] adjective informal ■(of a man) behaving and dressing in a way that some people think is typical of a homosexual (男子)女里女气的,同性恋似的•What's the name of that amazingly camp actor with the high voice and a funny walk?那个特别女子气、嗓音尖尖、走路可笑的男演员叫甚么? ■using bright colours, loud sounds, unusual behaviour, etc. in a humorous way 夸张的;滑稽可笑的•Their shows are always incredibly camp and flamboyant.他们的演出总是花里胡哨,极其夸张。 |