butt [bʌt] noun CIGARETTE 香烟 countable ■the part of a finished cigarette that has not been smoked 烟蒂,烟头 [bʌt] noun BOTTOM 屁股 countable US slang for ■bottom •She told him to get off his butt and do something useful.她叫他行动起来,干点有用的事。 [bʌt] noun GUN 枪 countable ■the thick end of a rifle (= gun) handle (步枪的)枪托•They struck him with their rifle butts.他们用来褔枪的枪托打他。 [bʌt] noun PERSON be the butt of sb's jokes ■to be a person who is joked about or laughed at 受到(某人)嘲笑;成为(某人的)笑柄•He was fed up with being the butt of their jokes.他已经受够了被他们当作笑柄。 [bʌt] noun CONTAINER 容器 countable ■a large container used to store liquids (盛液体的)大桶•a rain/water butt集雨桶,大水桶 [bʌt] verb intransitive or transitive ■to hit something or someone hard with the head or the horns 用头(或角)顶 [bʌt] verb intransitive or transitive Phrasal Verbs butt in informal ■to interrupt a conversation or discussion or someone who is talking 打断谈话(或讨论);插话,插嘴•He kept on butting in with silly comments.他不断插嘴,发表些愚蠢的评论。 |