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单词 | wait |
释义 | wait [weɪt] verb intransitive ESSENTIAL ■to allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something 等待,等候;期盼,盼望 •I waited for •The dentist kept me waiting for •[+ to ADVANCED ■to be done or to happen at a later time 延后;耽搁 •The meeting will have to •The paperwork can't No Waiting UK (US No Standing) ■used on signs to mean vehicles are not allowed to park, even for short periods of time 禁止停车 •The sign by the side of the road said 'No Waiting'.路边的标志牌上写著「禁止停车”。 [weɪt] verb intransitive can't wait (also can hardly wait) ■to be very excited about something and eager to do or experience it 等不及;迫不及待 •I can't wait to [weɪt] verb intransitive wait your turn ■to wait until it is really your turn to do or get something 等着轮到你 •If people were more polite, they would wait their turn.假如人们是更讲礼貌的话,他们就会按顺序等候。 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait a minute/moment/second IMPROVER ■said in order to interrupt someone, or to get their attention or when you have suddenly thought of something important 等等,等一下(用于突然想起某件重要的事时) •Now, wait a moment - I don't agree with that.喂,等等——我不同意那件事。 •Wait a minute - I've just had an idea.等一下——我刚想出个主意。 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait and see ADVANCED ■to wait to discover what will happen 等等看;等着瞧 •No decision will be made until next year, so you'll just have to wait and see.得等到明年才会有决定,所以你只好等等看了。 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait at table(s) UK (US wait on table(s)) ■to serve meals to people in a restaurant, as your job (在餐馆)当侍者 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait for it UK informal ■to not start until the correct moment 等一等 •Wait for it! I haven't said 'go' yet.等一等!我还没说“开始”呢。 ■You say 'wait for it' to show that you are about to say something surprising, funny or difficult to believe (表示将要说某些惊人、可笑或令人难以置信的事)听着,听好了•The new soap opera will be screened, wait for it, five times each day.那部新的连续剧即将播出了,听好了,一天要播五次呢。 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait in the wings ■If someone or something is waiting in the wings, they are not yet active or important, but are ready or likely to be so soon 准备就绪;随时可使用 •The team has several talented young players waiting in the wings.这支队伍里有几位很有天赋的年轻队员随时可以顶替。 [weɪt] verb intransitive wait till/until ... ■said when you are excited about seeing another person's reaction to something special or unusual 等到…吧(表示对看到某人对某些特别或不寻常之事的反应感到兴奋) •Wait till you see what Rachel's wearing!看看瑞吉儿的穿着你会大吃一惊的! •Wait till he hears the news.等着看他听到这则消息后会有甚么反应吧。 [weɪt] verb intransitive (just) you wait ■used as a way of threatening someone 等着瞧(表示威胁) •Just you wait, Maria, till I get my hands on you!等着瞧,玛丽亚,我会抓住你的! [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait around (UK also wait about) ■to stay in a place and do nothing while you wait for someone to arrive or something to happen 干等着;无所事事地等 •We spent the whole day waiting around for [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait behind ■to stay in a place after all the other people have left 留下来不走 •The teacher made us wait behind after class.老师让我们课后留下来不要走。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait for sb/sth ■If someone is waiting for someone or something, they are expecting them and prepared to deal with them 等待…,等着… •When the thieves left the building, the police were waiting for them.当盗贼们离开那栋楼的时候,警员正在等着抓他们。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait for sb ■If something is waiting for you, it has been left or prepared for you to collect, use, enjoy or deal with when you arrive 等着(某人)去做(或处理等) •An envelope was waiting for me when I got home.我到家时看到有我的一封信。 •Uma had a cup of tea waiting for me, along with a plate of biscuits.乌马泡了一杯茶等我喝,还准备了一盘点心。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait sth for sb US ■to delay serving a meal until someone arrives 等候(某人吃饭) •Don't wait dinner for me - I'll be home late.别等我吃饭了——我会很晚才回家。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait in UK ■to stay at home because you are expecting someone or something to arrive, or someone to telephone you 在家里等待 •I waited in for [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait on sb/sth mainly US ■to serve food and drink, especially to customers in a restaurant (尤指在餐馆里)服侍…进餐,给…上菜 •The staff who waited on us at dinner were excellent.吃饭时为我们服务的侍者非常不错。 •She waited on tables [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait on sb ■to do everything for someone so that they do not have to do anything for themselves 服侍,伺候 •While she was pregnant, her husband waited on her hand and foot [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait on sth formal ■to wait until you know the result of an activity before doing or deciding something 等待,等候: •The lawyers are waiting on the jury's verdict.律师们在等待陪审团的裁决。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs [M] wait sth out US ■to wait until something unpleasant has ended 等到(令人不快之事)结束 •I'd rather wait out the storm than drive home immediately.我想等到风暴过去,而不是马上开车回家。 [weɪt] verb intransitive Phrasal Verbs wait up ■to not go to bed at night because you are expecting someone to arrive (晚上)不睡觉(等某人回家) •I'll be home after midnight, so don't wait up for [weɪt] verb intransitive Common Learner Errors waitRemember: when wait is followed by an indirect object, remember to use the preposition for.Don't say 'wait something', say wait for something : ✗ I waited the bus but it never came. [weɪt] noun only singular ADVANCED ■when you stay in one place until someone comes, or something happens, or until you can do something 等待;等候,期待 •We had •The long wait for [weɪt] noun only singular lie in wait ■to hide, ready to attack 埋伏起来 •The gunmen were lying in wait when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.当普雷迪特先生走出那家饭店时那些枪手正埋伏在周围。 |
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