visible ['vɪz.ɪ.bl] adjective IMPROVER ■able to be seen 可以看见的;可视的•You should wear something light-coloured when you're cycling at night so that you're more visible.夜里骑脚踏车的时候你应该穿浅色的衣服,这样就会更加显眼。 •The writing on the tombstone was barely visible.墓碑上的文字看不大清楚了。 •There are few visible signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long.她因病住院这么久,但表面上却看不出甚么症状。 •The comet should be visible to the naked eye.肉眼应该能看见那颗彗星。 ■able or likely to attract public attention and be noticed 显眼的;引人注目的•In a very short period of time, she has become a highly visible national leader.在很短的一段时间内,她就变成了一位非常引人注目的国家领袖。 |