scruple ['] noun countable or uncountable ■a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is morally wrong or makes you uncertain about doing it 顾忌;顾虑•Robin Hood had no scruples about robbing the rich to give to the poor.罗宾汉对劫富济贫这件事问心无愧。 •He is a man without scruple - he has no conscience.他是一个肆无忌惮的人—— 一点良知都没有。 ['] verb formal not scruple to do sth ■to not care that something you do is morally wrong or likely to have bad results 毫无顾忌地做…•He wouldn't scruple to cheat his own mother if there was money in it for him.只要有利可图,他会肆无忌惮地欺骗自己的母亲。 |