scum [skʌm] noun DIRT 污物 uncountable ■a layer of unpleasant or unwanted material that has formed on the top of a liquid (液体上的)浮沫,浮渣,浮垢•The lake near the factory was covered with grey, foul-smelling scum.这家工厂附近的湖面上浮着一层灰蒙蒙、散发着臭气的浮垢。 [skʌm] noun IMMORAL PERSON 不道德的人 countable or uncountable (plural scum) informal ■a very bad or immoral person or group of people 人渣;败类•People who organize dog fights are scum in my opinion!我认为那些经营斗狗的人是人渣! •His boss treats him like scum (= very badly).他老板不把他当人看。 ■3. racist scum [skʌm] noun the scum of the Earth informal ■the worst type of people that can be imagined 人渣,最恶劣的人•These men are the scum of the Earth.这些人都是人渣。 |