tax [tæks] noun countable or uncountable ESSENTIAL ■(an amount of) money paid to the government, which is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought 税;税款•They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.他们要提高烟草税。 •Tax cuts (= reductions in taxes) are always popular.减税总是受欢迎的。 •What do you earn before/after tax (= before/after you have paid tax on the money you earn) ?你的税前/税后收入是多少? [tæks] verb transitive MONEY 钱 ADVANCED ■to make someone pay a tax 对…征税,对…课税•Husbands and wives may be taxed independently/together.夫妻俩可以分别/合并纳税。 [tæks] verb transitive NEED EFFORT 需要努力 ■to need someone to make a lot of effort, either physical or mental 使负重担;使大伤脑筋•He only has to read a short report - it shouldn't tax him unduly.他只需读一篇简短的报告——这应该不会耗费他太多精力。 |