profile UK ['prəʊ.faɪl] US ['proʊ-] noun countable SHORT DESCRIPTION 简短的描述 ADVANCED ■a short description of someone's life, work, character, etc. 传略;人物简介 UK ['prəʊ.faɪl] US ['proʊ-] noun countable ATTENTION 注意 ADVANCED ■the amount of public attention and notice that something receives 大众的注意•We need to increase our company's profile in Asia.我们需要扩大公司在亚洲的影响力。 •There is a growing number of women in high- profile positions (= positions where they are noticed) in the government.在备受注目的政府职位上,女性的数量在逐渐增长。 UK ['prəʊ.faɪl] US ['proʊ-] noun countable SIDE VIEW 侧面视角 ■a side view of a person's face (面部的)侧面(像)•Drawing profiles is somehow easier than drawing the full face.不知为甚么画侧面像要比画整张脸容易。 •a strong profile轮廓分明的侧影 •The actor is photographed in profile, smoking a cigarette.这个演员被人从侧面拍了一张抽烟的照片。 UK ['prəʊ.faɪl] US ['proʊ-] noun countable keep a low profile ■to avoid attracting attention to yourself 不张扬;低调处理•He's been in a bit of trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.他最近惹了些麻烦,所以尽量不抛头露面。 |