addictive [ə'dɪk.tɪv] adjective ADVANCED ■An addictive drug is one which you cannot stop taking once you have started 使人上瘾的•Tobacco is highly addictive.烟草极易使人上瘾。 ADVANCED ■describes an activity or food that you cannot stop doing or eating once you have started (活动或食品)使人上瘾的,使人入迷的•The problem with video games is that they're addictive.电子游戏的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。 •These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them.这些坚果让人上瘾,我一吃就停不了口。 addictive personality ■a set of characteristics which mean that you very quickly become addicted to drugs, food, alcohol, etc. 成瘾个性•He's got an addictive personality.他具有成瘾人格。 |