slave [sleɪv] noun countable IMPROVER ■a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for them 奴隶•Black slaves used to work on the cotton plantations of the southern United States.黑奴以前通常在美国南部的棉花种植园工作。 •I'm tired of being treated like a slave!我讨厌被当作奴隶对待! [sleɪv] noun countable be a slave to sth disapproving ■to be very influenced by something 受…控制;耽迷于;深受…影响•She's a slave to fashion.她是个拼命赶时髦的人。 [sleɪv] verb intransitive usually + adverb or preposition informal ■to work very hard at something 拼命工作,苦干•We slaved away all week at the report.我们整整一周都在忙那份报告。 •humorous I've been slaving over a hot stove (= cooking) all morning.我一上午都在炉子边忙个不停。 ⇒ See also enslave |