manual ['mæn.ju.əl] adjective ADVANCED ■done with the hands 用手做的;手工的•the manual sorting of letters人工分拣信件 •She tried to cure the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint.她尝试用手按压我的膝关节来治疗我的膝痛。 ADVANCED ■describes a machine that is operated with the hands rather than by electricity or a motor (机器)用手操作的,手动的•He still works on an old manual typewriter.他还在用一台老式手动打字机。 ADVANCED ■involving physical work rather than mental work 体力的•unskilled manual labour无需技能的体力劳动 •750 manual workers will lose their jobs as a result of company cutbacks.750名体力劳动者将因公司裁员而失业。 •Computer-controlled robots are taking over manual jobs in many industries.在许多行业中,体力工作正逐步由电脑控制的机器人代劳。 ['mæn.ju.əl] noun countable ■a book which gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, such as a machine 使用手册;说明书;指南•a DIY manual“自己动手做”指南 •The computer comes with a 600-page instruction manual.电脑附有一本600页的操作指南。 |