sift [sɪft] verb transitive SEPARATE 分离 ■to put flour, sugar, etc. through a sieve (= wire net shaped like a bowl) to break up large pieces 筛(面粉、糖等)•When the cake is cooked, sift some icing sugar over the top of it.蛋糕做好后,在上面筛上一些糖粉。 [sɪft] verb transitive EXAMINE 检查 ■to make a close examination of all the parts of something in order to find something or to separate what is useful from what is not 仔细检查;筛查•The police are sifting the evidence very carefully to try and find the guilty person.员警正在非常仔细地检查证据,试图找出那个罪犯。 •After my father's death, I had to sift through all his papers.父亲去世后,我必须查看整理他的所有档。 •The police are trying to sift out the genuine warnings from all the hoax calls they have received.警方试图从他们接到的各种恶作剧电话中分辨出真正的报案电话。 |