bike [baɪk] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■a bicycle 脚踏车,单车,自行车•It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars.如果更多的人踏脚踏车,而不是开汽车,将会对环境更有益。 •My youngest child is learning to ride a bike.我最小的孩子正在学骑脚踏车。 IMPROVER informal ■a motorcycle 摩托车 [baɪk] noun countable On yer bike! UK slang ■a rude way of telling someone to go away 走开!滚开!•"Can you lend me some money?" "On yer bike, mate!"“你能借我一点钱吗?”“你这家伙,走开!” [baɪk] verb intransitive informal ■to go somewhere by bicycle 骑脚踏车去•Should we bike to the park, or walk?我们骑脚踏车去公园,还是走路去? transitive ■to use a motorcycle to take something to someone 骑摩托车运送…•We biked a copy over to Greg at the BBC.我们骑着摩托车,给英国广播公司的葛列格送了一份文件。 |