story UK ['stɔ:.ri] US ['stɔ:r.i] noun countable DESCRIPTION 描述 ESSENTIAL ■a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events (真实或虚构的)故事;叙述,描述;小说•Will you read/tell me a story, daddy?爸爸,能读/讲个故事给我听吗? •Martha chose her favourite book of bedtime stories.玛莎挑了她最喜欢的睡前故事书。 •He writes children's stories.他写童话故事。 •I don't know if it's true but it's a good story (= entertaining to listen to although probably not true).我不知道那是否是真实的,不过却是个有趣的故事。 •She gave me her version of what had happened, but it would be interesting to hear his half/side of the story (= the events as described by him).她告诉我她对事件的看法,不过听听他的说法也是很有趣的。 •Apparently his first words to her were "Will you marry me?" or so the story goes (= that is what people say happened).显然地他对她说的第一句话就是“你愿意嫁给我吗?”,或者据说是这样。 ESSENTIAL ■a report in a newspaper or on a news broadcast of something that has happened 新闻报导•The main story in the papers today is the president's speech.今天报纸的主要报导是总统的演讲。 ■a lie 谎话•He made up some story about having to be at his aunt's wedding anniversary.他编了一个谎话,说甚么必须去参加他姨妈的结婚周年纪念。 UK ['stɔ:.ri] US ['stɔ:r.i] noun countable LEVEL 层 US for storey UK ['stɔ:.ri] US ['stɔ:r.i] noun countable It's / That's the story of my life. humorous ■said when something bad happens to you that has happened to you many times before (表示经常遇到类似的倒楣事)我就是这个命•Honestly, it's the story of my life - I meet a totally gorgeous bloke and he's leaving for Australia the next day!老实说,我就是这个命——我碰上一个非常喜欢的男人,但他第二天就要去澳大利亚了! UK ['stɔ:.ri] US ['stɔ:r.i] noun countable that's my story and I'm sticking to it mainly humorous ■used after you have given an explanation that you know is not really true 这是我一直坚持的说法(用于你给一个解释,但知道那并不是真的)•Anyway, I'm not overweight - my bones are just heavier than most people's - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!无论如何,我都没有超重-我的体重只比大多数人重一点-我一直都是这样说的。 |