storm UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] noun VIOLENT WEATHER 恶劣的天气 ESSENTIAL countable ■an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain and often thunder and lightning 风暴;暴风雨•A lot of trees were blown down in the recent storms.在最近的暴风雨中,许多树木被刮倒。 •They're still clearing up the storm damage.他们还在清理风暴留下的残局。 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] noun EMOTIONAL REACTION 情感反应 countable usually singular ■a very angry reaction from a lot of people (愤怒的)迸发,爆发•There was a storm of protest when the new tax was announced.宣布新税目后,引发了抗议风潮。 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] noun ATTACK 袭击 take sb/sth by storm ■to be suddenly extremely successful in a place or with a group of people 在(某处)大获成功;完全征服(一群人)•Her performance has taken the London critics by storm.她的表演完全征服了伦敦评论界。 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] noun cook/dance/talk, etc. up a storm informal ■to do something with a lot of energy and often skill 奋力地烧饭做菜/充满激情地跳舞/热烈地谈话等•Rob was in the kitchen cooking up a storm.罗布在厨房里起劲地炒菜做饭。 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] noun storm in a teacup UK (US tempest in a teapot) ■a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important 小题大做,大惊小怪 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] verb ATTACK 袭击 transitive ■to attack a place or building by entering suddenly in great numbers 突袭;攻占•The fortress was stormed by hundreds of soldiers.数百名士兵强行攻占了堡垒。 UK [stɔ:m] US [stɔ:rm] verb EMOTIONAL REACTION 情感反应 intransitive or transitive literary ■to express anger in a loud and often uncontrolled way 大发雷霆,暴怒,咆哮•[+ speech] "Get out and never come back!" he stormed.“滚出去,再也不许回来!”他咆哮道。 storm in/into/out ■to enter or leave a place in a way that shows that you are angry 怒气冲冲地冲进/冲出•He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went.他气呼呼地冲出房子,砰地关上门。 |