scheme [ski:m] noun countable ESSENTIAL mainly UK ■an officially organized plan or system 方案,计划•a training/housing/play scheme训练/住房/娱乐活动方案 •a pension/savings scheme养老金/储蓄金计划 •There's a new scheme in our town for recycling plastic bottles.我们镇上有一个回收利用塑胶瓶的新计划。 •Class sizes will increase under the new scheme.按照新的设计,班级规模将扩大。 IMPROVER ■a plan for getting an advantage for yourself, especially by deceiving others 阴谋,诡计•He's got a hare-brained/crazy/daft scheme for getting rich before he's 20.他有一个轻率的/疯狂的/愚蠢的计划,好让自己在20岁前致富。 [ski:m] noun countable the scheme of things ■the way things are organized or happen in a particular situation, or the way someone wants them to be organized 格局;安排•I was disappointed not to get the job, but it's not that important in the great/grand scheme of things (= when all things are considered).我没有得到那份工作,感到很失望,但从全盘考虑,这并不那么重要。 [ski:m] verb intransitive or transitive disapproving ■to make clever secret plans which often deceive others 密谋,策划•All her ministers were scheming against her她所有的大臣都在密谋策反。 •[+ to infinitive] For months he had been scheming to prevent her from getting the top job.数月以来,他一直在密谋阻止她得到这个最高职位。 |