ripe [raɪp] adjective FRUIT/CROPS 果实/庄稼 ADVANCED ■(of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten (果实或庄稼)成熟的•Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.那些香蕉还没有成熟——还是绿的。 [raɪp] adjective CHEESE 起司 ■describes cheese which has developed a strong flavour (起司)熟透的,口味浓郁的•This brie smells good and ripe.这种法国布里起司味道醇正而浓郁。 [raɪp] adjective SMELL 味道 ■describes a smell which is strong and unpleasant 刺鼻的;难闻的•There was a ripe smell from his socks.他的袜子发出一股刺鼻的味道。 [raɪp] adjective LANGUAGE 语言 old-fashioned humorous ■describes language that is rude (语言)粗俗的,下流的•a ripe joke粗俗的笑话 [raɪp] adjective ripe for ■developed to a suitable condition for something to happen 时机成熟的;适宜的•The company is ripe for takeover.对这间公司进行收购的时机已经成熟。 •The time is ripe (= It is the right time) for investing in new technology.投资新技术的时机成熟了。 [raɪp] adjective ripe old age approving ■old age 高龄;高寿•My grandmother died at the ripe old age of 92.我祖母在92岁高龄时去世。 |