immediate [ɪ'mi:.di.ət] adjective ESSENTIAL ■happening or done without delay or very soon after something else 立即的,立刻的•We must make an immediate response.我们必须立即作出反应。 •Dioxin is a poison that takes immediate effect.二恶英是一种速效毒药。 ESSENTIAL ■describes something or someone that is close to, or is a cause of or an effect of, something or someone else 接近的;紧接的;直接的•There are few facilities in the immediate area.在邻近地区几乎没有甚么设施。 •An immediate result/effect of the war was a breakdown of law and order.战争的直接后果/影响是法治的瘫痪。 ESSENTIAL ■in the present or as soon as possible 目前的;尽快的•We have no immediate plans.我们目前没有计划。 •MPs have demanded his immediate resignation.下院议员要他立刻辞职。 the immediate future ■the period of time that is coming next 近期 your immediate family ■your closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband or wife 直系亲属(如父母、子女、配偶等) |