imagination [ɪˌmædʒ.ɪ'neɪ.ʃən] noun ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the ability to form pictures in the mind 想像力•My younger son has a very vivid (= active) imagination.我的小儿子想像力很丰富。 •I can never make up stories - I have absolutely no imagination.我从来都不会编故事——我根本没甚么想像力。 •For some reason the story captured/caught the imagination of the public (= made them very interested).由于某种原因,这件事引起了公众的关注。 •It couldn't by any stretch of the imagination be described as a (= it is certainly not a) beautiful city.这座城市再怎么说也称不上漂亮。 •There's a sex scene in the film which apparently leaves nothing to the imagination (= shows sexual parts of the body very clearly).这部电影中有一个十分露骨的性爱场面,没有留下任何想像的余地。 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■something that you think exists or is true, although in fact it is not real or true 幻觉;幻想;空想•Was she paying him a lot of attention or was it just my imagination?她是特别注意他呢,还是这一切只是我的臆想? •Is it my imagination or is David behaving strangely at the moment?是我的错觉呢,还是大卫现在真的是行为古怪? ESSENTIAL uncountable ■the ability to think of new ideas 创造力•It's a job that needs someone with a bit of imagination.做这项工作需要有一点创造力。 |