remedial [rɪ'mi:.di.əl] adjective TO IMPROVE 纠正的 formal ■describes an action which is intended to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation 补救的;纠正的;矫正的•to take urgent/immediate remedial action采取紧急措施/立即采取行动进行补救 •The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings.该法案规定房主应对其失修房屋进行修缮。 ■formal ■describes exercises which are intended to improve someone's health when they are ill (活动)治疗的,医疗的 [rɪ'mi:.di.əl] adjective EDUCATION 教育 [before noun] UK ■describing or relating to teaching which is intended to help people who have difficulties in reading or writing (对有读写困难的人)补习的,辅导的•remedial classes/courses补习班/课程 •She is a teacher of remedial English.她是英语补习班的老师。 |