reading ['ri:.dɪŋ] noun WRITTEN TEXT 文字 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■the skill or activity of getting information from books 读,阅读;读书•Reading and tennis are my favourite pastimes.我最喜欢的业余爱好就是读书和打网球。 •The diaries make good (bedtime) reading (= are good to read (in bed at night)).(睡前在床上)读一读这些日记是很好的消遣。 •These books are compulsory/required reading for students of architecture.这些是主修建筑学的学生的必读书目。 countable ■an occasion when something written, especially a literary work, is spoken to an audience (尤指文学著作的)读书会,朗诵会•The society often arranges poetry readings and musical evenings.该社团经常筹划诗歌朗诵会和音乐晚会。 ['ri:.dɪŋ] noun UNDERSTANDING 理解 countable ■the way in which you understand something 理解方法;解读方法;解释•My reading of the situation is that John wanted any excuse to resign.我对形势的看法是,约翰没有任何理由辞职。 ['ri:.dɪŋ] noun PARLIAMENT 议会 countable ■In a parliament, a reading of a new law is one of the stages of discussion before it is approved (议会批准新法律前的)宣读;(新法律在议会三读阶段中的任何)一读•The Housing Bill was given its second reading in Parliament today.住宅法案今天在议会进行二读。 ['ri:.dɪŋ] noun MEASUREMENT 测量 countable ■the number or amount that a piece of measuring equipment shows 读数(一件测量设备所显示的数字或量值)•a thermometer reading温度计读数 |