rap [ræp] noun MUSIC 音乐 uncountable ■a type of popular music with a strong rhythm in which the words are spoken, not sung 说唱乐•a rap artist /star说唱乐艺人/歌星 [ræp] noun PUNISHMENT 惩罚 countable or uncountable mainly US slang ■when someone is accused of of crime, or a punishment 指控;罪责;判刑•He always said he was jailed on a bum rap (= false accusation).他总说自己坐牢是冤枉的。 •The police caught him, but somehow he managed to beat the rap (= escape punishment).员警抓住了他,但不知怎么他竟设法逃脱了罪责。 •I'm not going to take the rap for you (= be punished for something you did).我才不会替你去背黑锅。 [ræp] noun JUDGMENT 评判 countable US slang ■a judgment or a reaction 看法,评价;反响•The new show got a bum/bad rap (= was severely criticized) in all the papers.这个新的节目被各份报纸骂了个狗血喷头。 [ræp] noun HIT 击打 countable ■a sudden short noise, especially one made by hitting a hard surface (尤指击打坚硬表面发出的)敲击(声),叩击(声)•There was a series of raps on the window.传来一阵敲窗户的声音。 [ræp] noun a rap on/over the knuckles ■when you are spoken to severely or angrily because of something you have done or failed to do 严厉的批评;厉声的指责;愤怒的谴责•I got a rap on the knuckles for not finishing my essay on time.我因为没有按时完成论文受到了严厉的批评。 [ræp] verb (-pp-) HIT 击打 intransitive or transitive ■to hit or say something suddenly and forcefully 敲击,急拍;突然大声说,突然厉声说•She rapped (on)the table to get everyone's attention.她敲了敲桌子,让大家注意。 •The colonel rapped (out) an order to his men.上校厉声对他的士兵下命令。 transitive ■to criticize someone, especially officially (尤指正式地)批评,指责,苛责•The headline read 'Judge raps police'.报道的标题是“法官斥责警方”。 [ræp] verb (-pp-) MUSIC 音乐 intransitive ■to perform rap 表演说唱乐;说唱 [ræp] verb (-pp-) rap sb over the knuckles ■to speak officially to someone, in a severe or angry way, because you disapprove of their actions 严厉批评,厉声指责,愤怒谴责(某人)•He was rapped over the knuckles by the management.他受到了管理层的严厉批评。 |