query UK ['kwɪə.ri] US ['kwɪr.i] noun countable ADVANCED ■a question, often expressing doubt about something or looking for an answer from an authority 疑问,问题•If you have any queries about your treatment, the doctor will answer them.医生将解答您对治疗的任何疑问。 UK ['kwɪə.ri] US ['kwɪr.i] verb transitive ■to ask questions, especially in order to check if something is true 提问;质问,怀疑•A few students have queried their marks.有几个学生对他们的分数表示怀疑。 •[+ question word] She queried wh ether three months was long enough.她问三个月是否够长。 •[+ speech] "Any chance of a cup of tea?" he queried hopefully.“能否喝杯茶?”他满怀希望地问。 |