embroidery UK [ɪm'brɔɪ.dər.i] US [-dɚ-] noun SEWING 缝纫 countable or uncountable ■patterns or pictures that consist of stitches sewn directly onto cloth 刺绣品;刺绣图案•Let me show you Pat's embroideries.我给你看看派特的刺绣作品。 •It was a beautiful piece of embroidery.这是一件漂亮的刺绣作品。 uncountable ■the activity of decorating a piece of cloth with stitches sewn onto it 绣花,刺绣•I'm not very good at embroidery.我不擅长刺绣。 UK [ɪm'brɔɪ.dər.i] US [-dɚ-] noun STORY 叙述,故事 uncountable ■when someone makes a story more entertaining by adding imaginary details to it (为故事所作的)渲染、润色•comic embroidery喜剧渲染 |