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单词 one
释义 one
[wʌn] number determiner
■the number 1 (数字)1
You've got three bags and I've only got one.你有3个袋子,我只有1个。
She'll be one year old tomorrow.明天她就一岁了。
one hundred and ninety-one people191人
Americans drive one third of the 400 million cars on the planet.这个星球上4亿辆汽车中有1/3是美国人驾驶的。
Four parcels came this morning, but only one was for Mark.今天上午来了4个包裹,可是只有1个是给马克的。
Paint one side, leave it to dry, and then paint the other.刷一面,晾干后,再刷另一面。
He can't tell one wine from another, so don't give him any of the expensive stuff.他品不出酒的好坏差别,所以别给他名贵的。
[wʌn] number determiner
one of
■a member of a group of people or things (一群人或事物)中的一个,之一
One of their daughters has just got married.他们其中一个女儿刚结婚。
PolyGram is one of the world's largest record companies.宝丽金公司是世界最大的唱片公司之一。
Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges facing medical researchers.寻找治疗癌症的方法是医学研究者面临的最大挑战之一。
Our organization is just one of many charities that are providing famine relief in the region.我们的组织只是给这个地区提供饥荒救济的众多慈善组织之一。
  Common Learner Errors   one ofRemember: when one of is followed by a noun, the noun should be in the plural form.
One of my friend is in hospital.One of my friends is in hospital.
[wʌn] number determiner
■used to refer to a time in the future which is not yet decided (用于指将来某个未确定的时间)某一
Why don't we meet for lunch one day next week?我们何不在下周的某天一起吃顿午饭?
I'd like to go skiing one Christmas.我想在某个圣诞节去滑雪。
[wʌn] number determiner
■used to refer to a particular occasion while avoiding stating the exact moment 某一天的;某一刻的;某一次的
One night we stayed up talking till dawn.有一天晚上,我们一直聊到天亮。
He was attacked as he was walking home from work late one afternoon.有一天傍晚,他在下班回家的路上遇袭。
One moment he says he loves me, the next moment he's asking for a divorce.他一会儿说爱我,一会儿又要离婚。
She never seems to know what she's doing from one minute to the next.她似乎从不清楚每时每刻自己在做甚么。
[wʌn] number determiner
■a single thing; not two or more 单独一个;一个
Do you think five of us will manage to squeeze into the one car?你觉得我们5个人能够挤进一辆车吗?
There's too much data to fit onto just the one disk.数据太多,单单一张磁碟存不下。
Eat them one at a time (= separately).一次吃一个。
I think we should paint the bedroom all one (= in a single) colour.我觉得我们应该把睡房漆成一种颜色。
(all) in one
■combined in a single person or object 集于一体,合为一体;兼具
With this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck all in one.这种型号的产品将收音机、CD播放机和盒式磁带录放机集于一身。
[wʌn] number determiner
ONLY 唯一的
■used when saying there is no other person or thing 唯一的一个
He's the one person you can rely on in an emergency.在紧急情况下,他是你唯一可以依靠的人。
This may be your one and only (= only ever) opportunity to meet her.这可能是你见到她的唯一机会。
My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan!我们今晚节目的最后一位元嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的麦可‧乔登!
[wʌn] number determiner
UNKNOWN PERSON 不认识的人 formal
■used before the name of someone who is not known (用于不认识的人的名字前)某一个
Her solicitor is one John Wintersgill.她的律师是个名叫约翰‧温特斯吉尔的人。
[wʌn] number determiner
EMPHASIS 强调 mainly US used to emphasize an adjective (用于强调形容词)一个
His mother is one (= a very) generous woman.他母亲非常慷慨。
That's one (= a very) big ice-cream you've got there.你那霜淇淋真的好大呀。
It was one hell of a (= a very great) shock to find out I'd lost my job.发现自己已经失业,实在令我震惊。
[wʌn] pronoun
■used to refer to a particular thing or person within a group or range of things or people that are possible or available (一群人或一批东西中的)一个
I've got a few books on Chinese food. You can borrow one if you like.我买了几本关于中国菜的书,如果你喜欢可以借一本。
Which one would you like?你喜欢哪一个?
Would you make a copy for everybody in the office and a few extra ones for the visitors.请你给办公室里每人印一份,再多印几份给来访者。
"Which cake would you like?" "The one at the front."“你喜欢哪个蛋糕?”“前面的那个。”
French croissants are so much better than the English ones.法国羊角面包比英国羊角面包好吃得多。
There were lots of people standing watching, and not one of them offered to help.有许多人站着旁观,却没有一个人主动帮忙。
I've received no replies to my job applications - not a single one (= none).我的求职申请没有任何回覆——一个都没有。
Chris is the one (= the person) with curly brown hair.克里斯就是那个褐色鬈发的人。
not be one to do sth informal
■to never do something 从来不做
I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know.你知道,我这人从来不批评人。
be one for sth informal
■to like something very much 热衷于,喜爱
I've never been one for staying out late.我从不喜欢在外逗留到很晚。
He's a great one for the ladies.他非常喜欢和女士来往。
[wʌn] pronoun
■used to talk about one person or thing compared with other similar or related people or things (表示与另一类似或相关的人或物相对照的)一个
They look so similar it's often difficult to distinguish one from the other.它们看上去这么相似,常常很难区分开来。
You may have one or the other, but not both.这个和那个,你可以选一个,但不能都要。
Crime and freedom are inseparable. You can't have one without the other.犯罪和自由如影随形,不可能只取其一。
[wʌn] pronoun
 ADVANCED  formal
■any person, but not a particular person 任何人;一个人
One has an obligation to one's friends.任何人对朋友都是负有责任的。
One ought to make the effort to vote.任何人都应该尽量去投票。
[wʌn] pronoun
I OR ME 我 formal
■the person speaking or writing (讲话者或笔者用于自称)我,本人
Of course, one (= I) would be delighted to dine with the Queen.当然,我很乐意与女王一起进餐。
[wʌn] pronoun
be a one UK old-fashioned informal
■to be someone who is funny in a slightly rude way or in a way that shows no respect 是个活宝贝;是个有点无礼的人
"He told me I couldn't have the job and I told him I never really wanted it in the first place." "Ooh, you are a one."“他告诉我不可能得到那份工作,我对他说我根本就不稀罕。”“噢,你可真放肆。”
[wʌn] pronoun
be at one (also be as one) slightly formal
■to agree 意见一致,同意
We disagree on most things, but on this question we are at one with each other.我们在大多数问题上有分歧,可是在这个问题上,我们的意见完全一致。
[wʌn] pronoun
be one of a kind
■to be very unusual and special 独一无二的;特别的
He's one of a kind, he really is.他独一无二,确实如此。
[wʌn] pronoun
down in one informal
■If you drink a glass of alcohol down in one, you drink the whole glass without stopping. 一口气喝下,一饮而尽
[wʌn] pronoun
for one
■used to say that you think your opinion or action is right, even if others do not (用于表示认为自己的观点或行为正确,即使别人不这样认为)对…来说
The rest of you may disagree, but I, for one, think we should proceed with the plan.你们可能不同意,可是对我来说,我觉得我们应该继续执行这项计划。
[wʌn] pronoun
go off on one UK informal
■to suddenly become very angry and start shouting or behaving violently 突然变得很愤怒,并开始大声喊叫或行为激烈
He went off on one because he thought I was threatening his dog.他觉得我在威胁他的狗,所以暴跳如雷。
[wʌn] pronoun
Got it in one!
■something that you say when someone has guessed something correctly 猜对了
'Don't tell me - is Anna pregnant again?' 'Got it in one!'“你先别说,安娜又怀孕了,对不对?”“猜对了!”
[wʌn] pronoun
a hundred/thousand/million and one
■very many 非常多的,许许多多的,极多的
I can't stand around chatting - I've got a hundred and one things to do this morning.我不能站在这儿闲聊——今天上午我有一大堆事情要做。
[wʌn] pronoun
in ones and twos
■in small numbers 三三两两;零零散散
The replies came back in ones and twos.零零散散地收到了些答覆。
[wʌn] pronoun
one after another  ADVANCED  (also one after the other)
■many, in a series 相继,一个接一个
I'll eat chocolates one after the other until the box is finished.我会一块接一块地吃巧克力,直到盒子空了为止。
[wʌn] pronoun
one and all literary
■everyone 大家,每个人,所有人
The news of his resignation came as a surprise to one and all.他辞职的消息叫每个人都很吃惊。
[wʌn] pronoun
one by one  IMPROVER 
■separately, one after the other 逐个地;一个接一个one 1




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