minority UK [maɪ'nɒr.ɪ.ti] US [-'nɑ:r.ə.tˌi] noun SMALL PART 小部分 IMPROVER only singular ■a smaller number or part 少数•It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.惹麻烦的只是极少数的人。 •Children with single parents at my school were very much in the minority (= there were very few).在我的学校里单亲孩子只占极少数。 •This section of the bookstore caters for minority interests (= subjects that interest only a few people).书店的这个专柜主要满足少数读者的兴趣。 Opposite majority UK [maɪ'nɒr.ɪ.ti] US [-'nɑ:r.ə.tˌi] noun PEOPLE 人 IMPROVER countable ■any small group in society that is different from the rest because of their race, religion or political beliefs, or a person who belongs to such a group 少数民族;少数派;少数民族人士;少数派人士•ethnic/religious minorities少数民族/宗教少数派 •The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.这项计划旨在帮助女性和少数群体克服在工作场所受到的歧视。 UK [maɪ'nɒr.ɪ.ti] US [-'nɑ:r.ə.tˌi] noun be in a minority of one ■to be the only person who has your opinion 是唯一持不同意见者;得不到任何人的支持 |