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单词 back
释义 back
[bæk] adverb
■in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time 在原处;回到原处;恢复原状;返回;回到以前
When you take the scissors, remember to put them back.用完剪刀后,记着要放回原处。
He left a note saying 'Gone out. Back soon'.他留了字条,上面写著「出去一会儿,马上回来”。
She went to America for two years, but now she's back (= has returned).她在美国住了两年,现在回来了。
He looked back (= looked behind him) and saw they were following him.他回头看了看,发现他们正跟着他。
Looking at her old photographs brought back (= made her remember) a lot of memories.她看着旧照片,想起了许多的往事。
I was woken by a thunderstorm, and I couldn't get back to sleep (= could not return to sleep).我被雷雨弄醒后,再也无法入睡。
The last time we saw Lowell was back (= at an earlier time) in January.我们最后一次见到罗威尔是在一月初的时候。
This tradition dates back to (= to the earlier time of) the 16th century.这个传统可以追溯到16世纪。
■in return 作为回报
If he hits me, I'll hit him back.如果他打我,我会还手。
You're not just going to let her say those things about you without fighting back, are you?她那样说你,你不会就此算了吧?
■in reply 作为答覆
I'm busy at the moment - can I call you back?我现在很忙——再回电话给你好吗?
I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet.我几个月前写过信给唐娜,但她还未回覆。
[bæk] adverb
■further away in distance 向后;远离
If we push the table back against the wall, we'll have more room.如果把桌子往后推至墙边,就可腾出更多空间。
"Keep back!" he shouted, "Don't come any closer!"“退后!”他大叫着,“不要再走近我!”
He sat back on the sofa.他向后靠坐在沙发上。
She threw back her head and laughed uproariously.她仰起头,笑个不停。
The house is set back from the road.那座房子离公路很远。
[bæk] adverb
back and forth
■moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one 来回地,来来回回
She swayed gently back and forth to the music.她随着音乐的节奏轻轻地来回摇摆着。
[bæk] adverb
back in the day
■used for talking about a time in the past, usually when you are remembering nice things about that time 曾几何时(尤用于追忆美好往事时)
Back in the day, we had an apartment with a swimming pool.曾几何时我们有过一个附带游泳池的公寓。
[bæk] adverb
back to square one
■If you are back to square one, you have to start working on a plan from the beginning because your previous attempt failed completely 从头开始,重新开始
If this doesn't work we're back to square one.如果这样行不通,我们只好从头开始。
[bæk] noun countable
■the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the front 后面;后部;背面
He jotted her name down on the back of an envelope.他在信封背面匆匆记下了她的名字。
I found my tennis racket at the back of the cupboard.我在衣柜的最里面找到了我的网球拍。
We sat at the back of the bus.我们坐在公车后排的位子。
Our seats were right at the back of the theatre.我们的座位正好就在剧院的后排位置。
"Where's Ted?" "He's UK out/round the back] US out back (= in the area behind the house)."“泰德在哪里?”“他在屋子后面。”
There is a beautiful garden at the back of / US also in back of (= behind) the house.房子后面有个漂亮的花园。
If there's no reply at the front door, come round the back.如果前门没人应答,就去后门。
He put his jacket on the back of his chair (= the part of the chair which you put your back against when you sit on it).他把夹克搭在椅背上。
back to front UK (US backwards)
■with the back part of something where the front should be 前后倒置
You've put your jumper on back to front.你的工作服穿反了。
the back of your hand
■the side of your hand that has hair growing on it 手背
[bæk] noun countable
■the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom 背部,背后
I've got a bad back.我背痛。
Sleeping on a bed that is too soft can be bad for your back.睡在太软的床会对背部有害。
He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.他仰躺着,眼睛盯着天花板。
I turned my back (= turned round so that I could not see) while she dressed.她穿衣服时,我转过身去。
She put her back out (= caused a serious injury to her back) lifting a box.她搬箱子时严重扭伤背部。
[bæk] noun countable
■(in some sports, such as football or hockey) one of the players in a team who try to stop players from the other team from scoring goals, rather than trying to score goals themselves (足球、曲棍球等运动的)后卫球员 Compare forward
[bæk] noun countable
at/in the back of your mind
■If something is at/in the back of your mind, you intend to do it, but are not actively thinking about it 在潜意识里,下意识地(觉得)
It's been at the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven't got round to it yet.这几天我一直打算打电话给乔斯,但至今仍然没有空。
[bæk] noun countable
the back of beyond UK informal
■a place far away from any big town 偏僻之地;边远地方
They live in some village in the back of beyond.他们住在某个偏僻的乡村里。
[bæk] noun countable
be on sb's back informal
■to criticize someone several times in an annoying way 多次找(某人)的麻烦;多次批评(某人)
She's on my back again about those sales figures - I just haven't had a moment to do them.她又跟我唠叨要那些销售数据——我只是还抽不出时间整理。
[bæk] noun countable
behind sb's back
■If you do something behind someone's back, you do it without them knowing, in a way which is unfair 在(某人)背后;背地里,暗中
I dread to think what they say about me behind my back.我不敢想像他们在背后说我甚么。
[bæk] noun countable
could do sth with one arm / hand tied behind their back informal
■If someone could do something with one hand tied behind their back, they can do it very easily 易如反掌(形容可以轻而易举做到某事)
Her part in the film wasn't very demanding - she could have played it with one hand tied behind her back.她在戏里的角色难度并不是很高,她能轻而易举地完成。
[bæk] noun countable
get off my back! informal
■used to tell someone to stop criticizing you 别再跟我唠叨!别再数落我了!
Why don't you get off my back! I'm doing my best.别在背后唠叨了!我正尽力而为。
[bæk] noun countable
have your back to/against the wall
■to have very serious problems which limit the ways in which you can act 处于绝境
He owes money to everyone - he's really got his back to the wall now.他到处借钱——现在真是走投无路了。
[bæk] noun countable
on the back of sth
■soon after an earlier success, and as a result of it 由于(不久前的某项成就)
The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of their previous successful campaigns.由于先期的宣传工作富有成效,这家广告公司最终获得了该合约。
[bæk] noun countable
on the back of sb/sth
■by using or taking advantage of someone or something else 利用,叨…的光
They have carried on their business operations by riding on the back of established firms.他们一直在叨知名企业的光做生意。
[bæk] noun countable
put/get sb's back up informal
■to annoy someone 惹(某人)生气
Just ignore him - he's only trying to put your back up.别理他——他只是在成心惹你生气。
[bæk] verb
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to give support to someone or something with money or words 支持;资助,援助
The management has refused to back our proposals.管理层拒不支援我们的提议。
The horse I backed (= risked money on so that I could win more money if it won a race) came in last.我投注的那匹马得了最后一名。
[bæk] verb
intransitive or transitive [+ adv/prep]
■to (cause to) move backwards (使)退后;使倒退
Ann gave up driving when she backed the car into the garage door.安倒车时撞上了车库大门,于是她从此再也不驾车了。
Please could you back your car up a few feet so that I can get mine out of the drive?请你把车往后倒几英尺,让我把车开出车道,好吗?
[bæk] verb
■to cover the back of something with a material, often to make it stronger or thicker 为某物加背衬使其更加坚固或厚实
The material is backed with a heavy lining.这种物料的里补很厚实。
[bæk] verb
back the wrong horse
■to make the wrong decision and support a person or action that is later unsuccessful 下错了赌注;看错人;作了错误的决策
In all his years as a book publisher, he rarely backed the wrong horse.他做了多年的出版商,很少会看错人。
[bæk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   back away
■to move backwards away from something or someone, usually because you are frightened 退后;退缩
She saw that he had a gun and backed away.当发现他有枪后,她吓得直往后退。
■to show that you do not support a plan or idea any more and do not want to be involved with it 不再支持;退出
The government has backed away from plans to increase taxes.政府已经不再支持增税的计划了。
[bæk] verbback 1




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