lifetime ['laɪf.taɪm] noun countable usually singular ADVANCED ■the period of time during which someone lives or something exists 有生之年,终生,一辈子•We'll see a tremendous lot of technological changes during/in our lifetime.我们在有生之年会看到无数的技术变革。 •Winners of the competition will receive the holiday of a lifetime (= the best holiday they will ever have).比赛获胜者将获得千载难逢的假期奖励。 •I've only been working here two days, but it seems like a lifetime.我才在这里工作了两天,却觉得好像已经做了一辈子似的。 •A watch of this quality should last a lifetime.品质如此之好的手表可以陪伴终生。 •Enter our competition and this once-in-a -lifetime experience could be yours!来参加我们的比赛吧,这将是你终生难得的经历! •Marriage is no longer always seen as a lifetime commitment.婚姻已不再被看作是终生的承诺。 •You could win a lifetime's supply of toothpaste.你可能会赢得终身免费使用牙膏的奖品。 |