label ['leɪ.bəl] noun countable SIGN 符号 ADVANCED ■a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about the object it is fixed to 标签,标牌•Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases.别忘了把地址标签贴在行李箱上。 •Washing instructions should be on the label.标签上应该注明洗涤注意事项。 ADVANCED ■a word or a phrase which is used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people, activities or things, often in a way that is unfair (用来描述人、活动或事物特点或特性的,常为不公正的)称号,绰号•He seems to be stuck with the label of 'troublemaker'.他好像被人贴上了“麻烦制造者”的标签。 ['leɪ.bəl] noun countable COMPANY 公司 ADVANCED ■a company which produces goods for sale, the goods themselves, or the company's name or symbol 公司;品牌商品;公司名称;公司标志•Her favourite designer label (= maker of expensive clothes) is Armani.她最喜欢的服装品牌是亚曼尼。 •Their own-label vegetarian products have been a huge success.他们自有品牌的素食产品非常受欢迎。 •The group have just signed (= arranged to record) with a new record label.该演唱组合刚刚与一家新的唱片公司签约。 ['leɪ.bəl] verb transitive (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) ADVANCED ■to fasten a label to 贴标签•[+ adj] The parcel was clearly labelled 'Fragile'.这个包裹上清楚地标著「易碎品”。 •If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a criminal for the rest of your life.一旦入过狱,“罪犯”的帽子就会一辈子扣在你的头上。 |