suicide ['su:.ɪ.saɪd] noun DEATH 死亡 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■the act of killing yourself intentionally, or a person who has done this 自杀;自杀者•to attempt/commit suicide企图自杀/自杀 •The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.16至25岁之间男性的自杀率攀升速度惊人。 •Many suicides occur in prisons.监狱中的自杀事件很多。 Compare manslaughter ; murder ['su:.ɪ.saɪd] noun DEFEAT 失败 uncountable ■any act which has the effect of causing your own defeat 自杀性的行为;自取灭亡的行为•[+ to infinitive] As a leader he knows that it is political suicide to appear indecisive.他知道作为一位领袖,表现得犹疑不定无疑是在政治上自取灭亡。 |