charter UK ['tʃɑ:.tər] US ['tʃɑ:r.tˌɚ] noun OFFICIAL PAPER 官方文件 countable ■a formal statement of the rights of a country's people, or of an organization or a particular social group, which is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government 宪章,章程(由统治者或政府批准或要求制定、阐明一国公民、组织或社会团体的权利)•a charter of rights人权宪章 •Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United Nations Charter.受教育权是写入《联合国宪章》的基本人权之一。 •The Government have produced a Citizen's/Parents'/Patients' Charter.政府制定了一套公民/家长/病人权利章程。 UK ['tʃɑ:.tər] US ['tʃɑ:r.tˌɚ] noun RENT 租用 uncountable ■the renting of a vehicle (交通工具的)包租•boats for charter供租赁的船只 •a charter flight包机航班 •a major charter operator大包租营运商
UK ['tʃɑ:.tər] US ['tʃɑ:r.tˌɚ] verb transitive RENT 租用 ■to rent a vehicle, especially an aircraft, for a special use and not as part of a regular service 包租(交通工具,尤指飞机)•They've chartered a plane to take delegates to the conference.他们包了一架飞机送代表参加会议。 UK ['tʃɑ:.tər] US ['tʃɑ:r.tˌɚ] verb transitive OFFICIAL START 正式开始 ■to officially start a new organization by giving it a charter 特许成立•Cambridge University Press was chartered in 1534.剑桥大学出版社是于1534年特许成立的。 |