suicidal [ˌsu:.ɪ'saɪ.dəl] adjective DEATH 死亡 ■People who are suicidal want to kill themselves or are in a mental state in which it is likely that they will try to do so 想自杀的;有自杀倾向的•Pete was so depressed after his girlfriend left him that I actually thought he was suicidal.彼特自女朋友离开后情绪就非常低落,实际上,我认为他有自杀倾向。 ■describes behaviour that is likely to result in death 有致命危险的;极为冒险的•He took some suicidal risks.他冒了很大的险,几乎是玩命。 [ˌsu:.ɪ'saɪ.dəl] adjective DEFEAT 毁灭 ■A suicidal act causes the defeat of the person who does it 自杀性的,自取灭亡的;自我毁灭性的•It would be suicidal for the Prime Minister to call an election at a time when he's so unpopular.首相在自己如此不得人心的时候举行选举,将会自毁前程。 |