insecure UK [ˌɪn.sɪ'kjʊər] US [-'kjʊr] adjective NOT CONFIDENT 不自信的 ■Insecure people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities and about whether other people really like them 无把握的;缺乏信心的•I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.我想知道究竟是甚么样的成长经历造成她如此不自信。 •He still feels insecure about his ability to do the job.他对自己是否有能力胜任这项工作仍没有把握。 UK [ˌɪn.sɪ'kjʊər] US [-'kjʊr] adjective NOT SAFE 不安全的 ■(of objects or situations) not safe or not protected (物体)不牢固的,不安全的;(局势)无保障的,不稳定的•The situation is still insecure, with many of the rebels roaming the streets.许多叛乱分子在大街上出没,局势仍然不稳定。 •Nations which are not self-sufficient in energy will face an insecure future.能源不能自给的国家,其未来是没有保障的。 •We've gone through a few financially insecure years.我们经历了好几年的金融动荡。 |