intersection UK [ˌɪn.tə'sek.ʃən] US [-tˌɚ-] noun LINES 线 countable or uncountable ■when two lines cross, or the point where this happens (两条线的)相交;交点•The intersection of the lines on the graph marks the point where we start to make a profit.图上几条线的交点就是我们开始赚取盈利的地方。 UK [ˌɪn.tə'sek.ʃən] US [-tˌɚ-] noun ROADS 路 countable mainly US ■the place where two or more roads join or cross each other 交叉路口;十字路口•a busy intersection繁忙的十字路口 •Turn right at the next intersection.在下个十字路口向右转。 |