image ['ɪm.ɪdʒ] noun MENTAL PICTURE 头脑中的形象 ESSENTIAL countable ■a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is (自己头脑中的)形象,印象•I have an image in my mind of how I want the garden to be.我对花园该是甚么样子心里有数。 •He doesn't fit (= he is different to) my image of how an actor should look.他和我心里想的演员模样并不相符。 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the way that something or someone is thought of by other people (他人心中的)形象,印象;声誉•The aim is to improve the public image of the police.目的在于改善员警的公众形象。 •The company has made strenuous attempts to improve its image in recent years.公司近年来作出了极大的努力来改善自身形象。 •He's terribly image -conscious (= tries to dress and behave in a way that other people will admire).他非常在意自己的形象。 ADVANCED countable specialized ■a mental picture or idea which forms in a reader's or listener's mind from the words that they read or hear 比喻,意象•The poem is full of images of birth and new life.诗中充满了诞生和新生活的意象。 ['ɪm.ɪdʒ] noun PICTURE 图像 ESSENTIAL countable ■any picture, especially one formed by a mirror or a lens (尤指镜子或透镜形成的)镜像;影像;映射•television images of starving children受饥儿童的电视画面 •The image you see in the mirror.你在镜子中看到的影像 ['ɪm.ɪdʒ] noun be the (living/spitting) image of sb ■to look very similar to someone 长相酷似(某人)•She's the spitting image of her mother.她长相酷似她的母亲。 |