cultivate UK ['kʌl.tɪ.veɪt] US [-tˌə-] verb transitive USE LAND 种植 ■to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a particular crop 耕作;栽培;种植•Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.那里大部分土地太贫瘠,无法耕种。 •The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.村民们主要种植玉米和豆类。 UK ['kʌl.tɪ.veɪt] US [-tˌə-] verb transitive DEVELOP 培养 ■to try to develop and improve something 培养,培育;养成;陶冶;改进•She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.她将自己的形象塑造成一个强硬的谈判者。 ■If you cultivate a relationship, you make a special effort to establish and develop it, because you think it might be useful to you 建立,培养(关系)•The new Prime Minister is cultivating relationships with old Eastern Bloc countries.新任首相将与原东欧集团国家发展关系。 |