cult [kʌlt] noun RELIGION 宗教 countable ■a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people 邪教;异教;异端•Their son ran away from home and joined a religious cult.他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个邪教组织。 countable ■a particular system of religious belief 宗教膜拜,宗教信仰•the Hindu cult of Shiva印度教湿婆崇拜 [kʌlt] noun POPULARITY 流行 only singular ■someone or something that has become very popular with a particular group of people 风行;流行;崇拜•the cult of celebrity名人崇拜 ⇒ See also personality cult [kʌlt] adjective [before noun] ■liked very much by a particular group of people 热门的;流行的;被视为偶像的•The singer had a cult following in the 1970's.这位歌手在20世纪70年代拥有一批狂热的追随者。 •a cult figure/movie偶像人物/风靡一时的电影 |