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单词 hold
释义 hold
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to take and keep something in your hand or arms 握住,抓住
Can you hold the bag while I open the door?我开门时,你能帮我拿一下提包吗?
He was holding a gun.他当时正拿着一把枪。
The little girl held her mother's hand.这个小女孩抓着妈妈的手。
He held her in his arms.他把她抱在怀里。
[+ obj + adj] Could you hold the door open , please?你能扶住门让它一直开着吗?
Rosie held out an apple for the horse.罗西拿着一个苹果伸向那匹马。
All those who agree please hold up their hand (= raise their arm).同意的请举手。
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to support something 支撑,承受
Will the rope be strong enough to hold my weight?这根绳子承受得住我的重量吗?
Each wheel is held on with four bolts.每个轮胎都由四颗螺栓固定。
The parts are held together with glue.这些部件是用胶水黏在一起的。
hold your nose
■to press your nose tightly between thumb and finger in order to close it 捏住鼻子
I have to hold my nose when I jump into water.我跳到水里时,必须捏住鼻子。
hold hands  ADVANCED 
■When two people hold hands, one person holds the other person's hand in their hand, especially to show that they love each other (尤指为了表示两人相爱)手拉着手
They walked along holding hands.他们手拉着手向前走。
⇒ See also hand in hand
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive not continuous
■to contain or be able to contain something 容纳,包含
This jug holds exactly one pint.这个壶子的容量刚好是一品脱。
One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.买的这些东西一个袋子装不下——我们最好拿两个。
Modern computers can hold huge amounts of information.现代的电脑能储存大量的资料。
transitive not continuous
■to have or contain something which you will experience 包含(要经历的事)
Who can tell what the future holds?谁又能知道将来会发生甚么事呢?
She's very religious, so death holds no fear for her.她笃信宗教,所以死亡对她来说一点也不可怕。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to have something, especially a position or money, or to control something 拥有;担任;控制
He currently holds the position of technical manager.他目前担任技术经理的职务。
The bank holds large reserves of gold.这家银行拥有大量黄金储备。
Despite incurring heavy losses, the rebels now hold the town and the surrounding hills.尽管损失惨重,但现在叛军控制了该镇及周围的小山。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to keep something, especially when it might have been lost 保持,保留
I asked the shop to hold the dress for me until this afternoon.我要那家商店帮我把那件衣服留到今天下午。
You have to be a fairly good speaker to hold an audience's attention/interest.要想吸引观众的注意力/兴趣,你得成为一个相当出色的演讲者才行。
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to keep someone in a place so that they cannot leave 拘留,扣押
The police are holding several people in custody (= at the police station) for questioning.警方拘留了几个人进行询问。
[+ obj + noun] The terrorists held him hostage for 18 months.恐怖分子将他扣为人质达18个月之久。
I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.我被囚禁在一间小阁楼里。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
■to make something, especially a meeting or an election happen 使发生;举行(尤指会议或选举)
Could we hold a meeting to discuss this tomorrow afternoon?明天下午我们开会讨论这件事好吗?
The election will be held on 8th of August.选举将于8月8日举行。
I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.我发现和她进行理性对谈几乎不可能。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
intransitive or transitive
■to cause to stay or continue in the same way as before 使保持(某种状态);持续
Let's hope our good luck holds.希望我们好运不断。
I hope the repair holds until we get the car to a garage.我希望这样维修能让我们一直把车子开到修车厂。
The old adage that 'money talks' still holds true (= is still true).那句古老的谚语「有钱能使鬼推磨」现在依然所言甚是。
The government is committed to holding exports at their present level.政府承诺继续保持现有的出口标准。
The ship/aircraft held its course.这艘船/这架飞机定住了航向。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
transitive not continuous
■to believe an idea or opinion 相信,确信
[+ to infinitive] Small amounts of alcohol are held to be good for the heart.据信少量饮酒对心脏有好处。
You sold it to me, so if it breaks I'll hold you responsible (= make you take responsibility).是你把它卖给我,所以如果坏了你得负责。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
intransitive or transitive
■to wait, or to stop something temporarily 等待;暂时阻止;推迟
They've decided to hold all future deliveries until the invoice has been paid.他们决定,在对方付清出货单上的货款之前,暂停所有未来的交货。
How long can you hold your breath (= stop breathing) ?你憋气能憋多久?
Will you hold my calls for the next half hour please?半小时内请不要把电话转进来,好吗?
She's on the phone at the moment - will you hold (the line) (= wait on the telephone until she can speak to you) ?她在讲电话——你能等一会儿吗?
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
transitive US
■If you ask someone to hold something, you do not want them to include it 不包括,排除在外
I'd like a ham sandwich on rye, hold the lettuce.我要一个黑麦面包三明治,不要加生菜。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
can't hold your drink (US usually can't hold your liquor) disapproving
■If you can't hold your drink, you feel ill quickly when you drink alcohol. 酒量小
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
can't hold a candle to
■to not be as good as the person or thing mentioned 不能和…相比
Her latest book is readable enough, but it can't hold a candle to her earlier work.她最新出版的书有一定的可读性,但无法跟早期的作品媲美。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
don't hold your breath informal
■do not expect a stated thing to happen for a very long time 别指望…能长久
She said she'd get back to us, but don't hold your breath!她说她要报复我们,但是过不了多久她就会忘了!
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold all the cards
■to be in a strong position when you are competing with someone else, because you have all the advantages 处于优势,掌控局面
Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.当开始协商裁员问题时,管理阶层就处于绝对优势。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold court mainly humorous
■to receive a lot of attention from other people who stand or sit round you to listen, especially on a social occasion (尤指在社交场合)引起周围人的注意
Patrick is holding court at the end table.派翠克在茶几旁被不少人围着。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold down a job
■to manage to keep a job for a period of time 保住工作,保住饭碗
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
Hold everything! informal
■used to tell someone to stop what they are doing 停下!
Hold everything! He's changed his mind again.等等!他又改变主意了。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold good
■to continue to be true 保持有效,仍是真的
Their arguments were valid a hundred years ago and they still hold good today.100年前他们的论点令人信服,今天也仍然适用。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold your head (up) high
■to be very confident and proud (表示自信和骄傲)扬着头
If you know that you did your best, you can hold your head high.如果你知道自己已经尽全力,你就可以昂头挺胸,无愧于心。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
hold your horses old-fashioned informal
■used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something 停下来想想;且慢
Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.且慢,比尔!我们先考虑一下这件事。
UK [həʊld] US [hoʊld] verb (held, held)
Hold it! informal
■used to tell someone to wait or stop doing something 等等!
Hold it! I haven't got my coat on yet.等一下!我还没穿上大衣呢。
hold 1




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